Your car insurance coverage can be one of the most significant purchases that you can make. car insurance can prevent you from paying thousands of dollars should you get sued for causing a car accident and for the resulting damages. However, this doesn’t mean you’ll have to spend a lot of money year-after-year just to get reliable coverage. Using car discounts to your advantage can definitely save you a lot! Here are some tips:
Good Driver Discounts
Taking good care of that driving record and avoiding any kind of traffic offense or vehicle accidents within the last three years will entitle you to get this kind of discount.
Defensive Driving Classes
Becoming a safer driver, by taking a state licensed defensive driving courses, would also get you some wanted discounts on your automotive insurance policy. Do remember that the amount of discount might vary per state.
Good Student Discounts
This kind of discount is a state incentive for students who performs well in their studies. A general average of B or better is needed in order to become eligible for this kind of automotive insurance discount.
Low-Mileage Discounts
Driving no more than 15,000 miles every year reduces your risk of getting involved in a collision; the fewer risks you have, the lower your premiums become.
No-Claims Discounts
Most automotive insurance insurers offer this kind of discount to anyone who have not filed any automotive insurance claims within the last two or three years.
Extra Safety and Security Mechanisms
Adding extra airbags, anti-theft locks, automatic seatbelts, anti-lock breaks and any other kind of aftermarket security and safety measures will also qualify you you to this kind of discount.
Multi-Policy / Group Discount
Most of the major automotive insurance providers offer incentives for consolidating all your insurance policies (house, life etc.) with them. Also take a look at group discounts which you could be eligible for from your employer, your club membership or any other organizations you are affiliated with.
Shop Online
The Internet is is full of specialized automotive insurance websites (portals) which allows you to compare the most up-to-date rates and offers today. You can also get rates from many different providers, which means a better chance of getting the best-priced automotive insurance for you.
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Need help finding Low Cost Car Insurance. Compare free auto insurance quotes here today: Low Cost Auto Insurance
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