The vehicle insurance market is highly competitive and many companies customize products for specific customers. It is not surprising that there is a segment solely catering to women drivers, since more and more women are deciding to drive. It is likely that women drivers will get excellent deals on their car insurance and should turn this to their advantage. It makes good logic to shop around and find the best deals. Read on to find out how to get a great offer.

Ever wondered why women get discount on vehicle insurance?

Here is the reason. Insurance companies calculate their costs on the basis of many factors, of which high on the list is the risk factor. Women have been proven to be better drivers than men who are more aggressive when it comes to driving. They tend to be drive safer and are likely to have fewer accidents. Traditionally women are less prone to breaking traffic rules or drive at high speeds which could cause fatalities. Accidents involving women drivers usually tend to be minor scrapes or bumps. It is also assumed that women drive around lesser than men.

Do you know what kinds of discounts are offered to women drivers?
The terms of discount offered to women may be different for different companies. Additional discounts are usually in proportion to the extent of coverage taken. Comprehensive covers often offer better features than theft cover or third party insurance covers. Companies usually offer discount on the premium paid by women for limited mileage run. No claim bonus benefits of up to 30% can be availed for the year following a zero claim year. Premiums are lower for women below the age of 45. Some companies give additional discounts to women in certain professions like teachers or doctors. Other standard benefits include baggage insurance cover for the personal belongings left inside the car. Companies collect lesser premium, if the car is fitted with extra security features.

Additional discounts!

Companies offer incentives exclusively for women. Breakdown assistance is given on priority basis and this is a standard feature for comprehensive insurance. Insurance cover is provided for the child, if you are traveling with a baby. Some companies offer a courtesy car, if the car is being repaired at an authorized service station. One company also offers a huge no claim discount of up to 75% for continuous no claims for 5 years. In the UK, having a Pass Plus certificate could further lower your insurance premium even if you are new driver.

It is mandatory for every citizen to have insurance cover, before being allowed to drive. If you are a woman, it makes sense to look for policies which offer privileges for being one. The reputation of the company must be carefully considered so that you are assured of services, rather than being straddled with a cheap and useless policy. Go online and compare the quotes of various companies or take the advice of a friend or a family member. Read the fine print thoroughly before you decide to put the signature, so that you are sure that the policy covers you effectively in an emergency.

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Learn the numerous benefits of Woman Only Car Insurance and Women Only Insurance at