To be able to find the cheapest car insurance you need to understand what the insurance companies are looking for in a good driver. If you believe that every person pays the same car insurance premiums think again. This is a myth. Car insurance rates are determined by a lot of factors and usually, these are statistically based risk. For example, an individual with a higher risk would need to pay higher rates because of the risk associated to them individually. Let me elaborate on these risk factors:

1. Age – according to studies, motorists that are 25 years of age and under have higher risk to be in incident compared to those that are over 25 years old. In order to pay reduce car insurance rates; ensure you reapply whenever you reach the age of 50 and 65.

2. Gender – women usually drive safer compared to most men. Even so, with more and more women getting hold of the steering wheel, these facts are beginning to change.

3. Marital Status – regardless of driving history, married people would still pay less car insurance premiums compared to single people.

The above pointed out factors are pretty difficult to control. Let us call them “constants”. However, there are things which are in your control. You could have these changed based to fit your car insurance premium budget.

1. Location – If you reside in a region where there is little or no traffic, then you’re more likely to pay less insurance coverage compared to those individuals who reside in the metropolitan areas where there is a lot of traffic. If you reside in a community which has a high rate of automobile robbery then you’re more likely to pay higher insurance rates.

2. Driving Violations – the more tickets you have under your vehicle dash, the higher insurance premiums you need to pay. Whenever you apply for a car insurance premium, your insurer would penalize you for your bad driving history but do not worry too much. Since you improve your driving history as time passes, your insurance rate is very likely to get cheaper also.

3. Type of Car – going for a cheap vehicle means that you’ll pay cheaper insurance rates. A less expensive vehicle compared to Sports utility vehicle-which do you think poses a higher risk to be stolen?

4. Accident Claims – certainly, when you have more car accident claims under your belt, then you’re more likely to pay higher insurance compared to those who’ve clean records.

Remember the above factors that could impact how much you pay each month for car coverage. It can help you save a lot of money if you take them under consideration while driving. Obviously, when you want even cheaper premiums, it’s smart to shop around and search for companies that provide the best rates.

About the author

California auto insurance specializes in educating readers about car insurance and other subjects relating insurance in general.