Direct General Insurance Claims Florida

The United States is currently is the midst of a recession, and some say even a depression! People are losing jobs in almost every sector. Companies once considered rock-solid, like General Motors, are asking for a government bailout. Others, which were the cornerstone of the financial market, like Lehman Brothers, no longer exist.

Yet, there is one sector of the job market, which continues to thrive.

Insurance is the backbone of the economy! Without insurance, no bank would loan money for a mortgage or finance the purchase of an automobile. Without insurance, businesses could not manufacture goods and products! Insurance covers property, liabilities, and services of every sort. Even in a down economy, both individuals and companies must purchase insurance and ultimately, claims do arise.

In order to process claims, insurance companies employ both ‘company’ and ‘independent’ claims adjusters. These are trained individuals who interview witnesses, review damages and make decisions about the payment of claims as dictated by an insurance policy. A company adjuster is a direct employee of an insurance company, while an independent adjuster typically works through an independent adjusting firm.

According to and CNN, the median salary for a claims adjuster is $39.051.00. This is a good starting point for most entry-level adjusters in the field. As an adjuster gains training and experience, a salary of upwards of $50,000-$60,000 is not unusual and catastrophe adjusters can make substantially more than that. Check Internet #1 Direct General Insurance Claims Florida right now!

Unlike other professional fields, license training does not take years and is not expensive. Florida allows qualification for an All Lines Adjuster license by taking a designation course, like the Accredited Claims Adjuster Designation through the University of Central Florida. This is a 40 hour course that excuses the student from the state licensing exam.

Once licensed, most states do require Continuing Education. The Florida requirement is 24 hours every two years and again, the classes can be accessed online through providers like the University of Central Florida. In addition, most insurance companies invest substantial time and training preparing the new adjuster for the claims profession. Training includes software, claims-handling procedures and policies, all while being paid!

Skills necessary to be an effective and successful claims adjuster include good abilities at reading, writing, and negotiation, good customer services skills, as well as a willingness to listen.

Where else can someone find a good paying, stable career, with great benefits, by taking a 40 hour qualification course? Check Internet #1 Direct General Insurance Claims Florida right now!

About the author

Having problems with Insurance? Don’t understand whether you are able to make claims?

Check Internet #1 – Direct General Insurance Claims Florida and solve your problems right now!